Cleaning for a Reasoncleaning for a reason, home cleaning services

Cleaning for a Reason, Donate Now!

Not only is Mrs. Clean Pittsburgh your trusted cleaning company in the Pittsburgh area, but we also are committed to giving back to our local community. We have a long-standing relationship with Cleaning for a Reason and are now collecting donations on their behalf for their fundraiser. There are several ways you can contribute through Mrs. Clean Pittsburgh and your donations will go directly to funding cancer patients’ free home cleanings. 

Why Cleaning for a Reason?

Cleaning for a Reason is an organization that provides free home cleaning to patients battling cancer. This is a free service for those undergoing treatment for any type of cancer.

While undergoing cancer treatment, daily chores including the upkeep of one’s home can be extremely tiresome. Being able to afford a maid service on top of medical bills is a cost that many cancer patients choose to forgo. With Cleaning for a Reason, patients no longer have to concern themselves with how they will be able to keep their houses, as the company works with partners nationwide to match those in need with a local free maid service like Mrs. Clean Pittsburgh. 

How You Can Help?

General Manager Robin Stevenson, of Mrs. Clean Pittsburgh, has set up a direct link for you to make a contribution to Cleaning for a Reason here.

You can help to take away the stress of cleaning one’s home through local volunteer cleaning partners such as Mrs. Clean Pittsburgh. Proudly serving its local community, Mrs. Clean Pittsburgh’s services offered through Cleaning for a Reason allows local patients to focus on their health and feel supported in their greatest time of need.

If you have any questions about Cleaning for a Reason or donations, please contact us today!

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