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Choosing a Service

What Will Service Cost?

Watch our explainer video for a breakdown of our services and pricing. Then fill out our instant estimate form below for a free, no-obligation quote on cleaning for your home or business!

Thank You!

Thank you for your interest in Mrs. Clean Pittsburgh and for taking the time to fill out our instant cleaning estimate.

We know your time is valuable and our free and instant online cleaning estimate feature is just one way we help to accommodate your schedule and provide you with information to make the right decision. If you want to customize your estimate further to meet your needs, please give us a call and we look forward to answering your questions.
Whether it is getting the estimate done for you quickly or getting your home cleaned right the first time, we have built our business in a way to prove to you that we are serious about your experience in every way possible!

Robin Stevenson, General Manager

At Mrs. Clean Pittsburgh, we accept:
All forms of payment; cash, checks, all major credit cards

Gift certificates are available:

Must be paid by Master Card, Visa, American Express or Discover